Thursday, August 18, 2022

I'm Doing Much Better Now


It's currently August 2022 - it's been a long time since the last post here (late 2020).   

If you've been following this blog here & there - perhaps because you're experiencing similar symptoms - I just want you to know that I'm doing okay, and it does get better.  Hope that motivates you to heal and have hope for the future 💓

At my last post, I was still struggling with heavy flow and painful cramps.  A large part of that was from emotional stress!  We were in the midst of a pandemic, and prior to that, I had the job from hell... so I was always in a low-grade flight-or-fight mode. 

As you probably know, when your blood pressure is high from stress, it affects your menstrual cycle... and when you have something like fibroids - which have their own blood vessels - stress blood pressure can cause increased bleeding, and increase anemia, which can affect clotting, which can cause more bleeding, etc.

These past few months, life has gotten significantly less stressful.  I don't want to jinx anything, but I'm relatively happy at my job.  My husband & I just celebrated an anniversary and we're falling in love all over again (14 years together).  I've said goodbye to toxic family members a few years ago, so I feel more freedom.  We've also taken on a new project on Twitch, which I'm excited about.  So I'm thankful to say that my periods have gotten so much more positive, and now it looks like I likely won't be needing a hysterectomy after all! 

I want to give you hope - if you're currently suffering from fibroids or endometriosis - you will get better.  The stresses in your life will come & go, and when you take good personal care of yourself (getting enough sleep, staying hydrated and nourished, practicing good boundaries, etc)  you will begin to feel better, even before seeking professional medical care. 

All the best, 

D. J.