Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Following Up

Hello lovelies,  this post is to follow up to a previous one from 2 months ago.  I had been losing hours at work and in the midst of applying for government funding (CERB here in Canada).  It was very stressful, and with the website crashing, I had to be up at 3:30 in the morning to apply... it was a time of frustration, fear and uncertainty.  Then within a few weeks, the hours eventually came back at work and now it's the opposite kind of stress...

I hardly have time for the things I enjoy (or tasks for at home, which have been on the back burner for many days now).  I'm dealing with the mass frustration of customers who've been locked up at home for months and are venting all their negative emotions, while we're busier than we ever have been before, since this is the first time our store has dealt with a pandemic.  I've been crying and feeling really out of sorts...  and yet, surprisingly the last period I had (from about May 11 to May 15 or so) was relatively short, not overly heavy, and the cramps were tolerable!  I'd be so happy if they were all like that 😁

I had mentioned in that post that I'd like to replace my jeans with more maternity ones... and right after I wrote that, pretty well all the clothing stores shut down due to COVID-19, so I'm glad I got the one pair I did when I could!

As I type this, it's May 20th and the world is slowly opening up... and hopefully in the process, the stress [everyone's feeling] will begin to lift, and we'll feel hope & renewal again.

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On a different note, I suppose you might be able to say I'm experiencing an "anniversary" of sorts...  Back in May of 2017, I had my first truly terrifying heavy flow experience, which landed me in the ER (due to lightheadedness, paleness, shaking, and other signs of shock from blood loss). 

Part 1 and Part 2 of this ER story.

The above are from a previous blog I had run, due to being a professional artist, specializing in cartooning. I'm a purveyor of the "cute".  I find it calming and soothing, and want to share that. 

So, at the time in 2017, they knew I was having issues with heavy bleeding and I was advised to cut back on caffeine, stay calm, stay hydrated, etc.  ...But it wasn't until Autumn of 2019 that I was officially diagnosed with fibroids by our family doctor, after having several more episodes of massive blood flow and extremely painful cramps!  

Around this time last year, we were on a family trip to Las Vegas, and I'd been having a heavy flow one particular day.  Rob & I checked various stores (CVS, Walgreens, etc.) for cheaply priced feminine hygiene products, and most of them were upward of $6 so I turned my nose up at them.  I assumed I'd be okay, but then waiting for the opening to the Terry Fator Show in the Mirage, we were running short on time and I was soaking my last pad, so I had to emergency shop at the hotel gift shop, spending about $37 (yes) on FH so I could be comfortable and not stained...  I've been kicking myself ever since, for not coming more prepared!  

The above was a fundamental life lesson about being well prepared!