Thursday, March 19, 2020

Belly Bloat and COVID-19 Stress

This is a photo of my belly, in my new "maternity" jeans. It's bloated because of having a distended uterus caused by ever-growing fibroids.  I've been asked already if we're expecting, and we're not.

 This explains why I was never able to "flatten" my tummy with abdominal crunches...

Anyway, prior to learning I have fibroids, I always thought it looked strange when staring at it from above - whether that be in the bathtub, half sitting up in bed, or just sitting around in general.  I look at it a lot from the side in mirrors, as well.  When I tell someone I feel bloated, they almost always skinny-shame me and make the moment awkward.

Here are more images of these comfy new jeans (I plan on getting more later when I can afford to, and when it's safe to shop again:

I really love how the band just hugs my bloated belly (swollen uterus), but it isn't tight!  I am looking forward to eventually replacing the jeans with buttons... with these beauties 😍 

On COVID-19-induced Stress:

It's no secret that fibroids have blood vessels of their own (which is why the periods can be so damn heavy!), and it's no secret that emotional stress increases blood pressure, which in turn, increases bleeding.  Thankfully, prior to this period, it's been months since my last "outburst" in the summer of 2019.  But since this coronavirus has spread, and all the news sources, social media, and basically the entire world have been putting out warnings about it, I've been getting increasingly worried.  Believe it or not, it's not the thought of being sick that frightens me. It's the way the world as we know it is shutting down, and frankly, I'm frightened for the economic future.  My shifts are being drastically cut at work, and I dread the thought of possibly having our home put into foreclosure if we cannot afford the mortgage.  My husband is a fast food manager and right now, it's basically drive-thru only, so he is coming home early. I am happy to see him of course, but it seems soon, neither of us may be going to work for awhile.. and will need to apply for a government grant to help out.  These thoughts increase my bleeding, and I've been having my current period for about 8 days now... and was spotting lightly before that.  I've been taking my iron supplements to the best of my ability, since right now, it's not as easy to go to the doctor about symptoms.

I was ironically told by a friend, recently, that now everyone's nearly out of work, I should go ahead and have a hysterectomy.  As tempting as that it, right now, hospitals cannot really cater to non-emergencies.  It's just not safe right now to bring in potential germs where there are very sick patients, plus the staff & resources are currently focusing on this virus.  I respect that.

Thankfully, I haven't been overexerting myself recently (with my shifts so aggressively cut), so I'm mostly taking it easy at home.  The bleeding seems to be slowing down today, so that's a good sign.  And I'll take another iron supplement with lunch today.

In the meantime, it's important right now that we:
  • Listen to our government officials - and heed their advice!
  • Only go out for things we need, like extra food & medication.
  • Practice social distancing, but in the most respectful way possible.
  • Keep ourselves and our hands and surfaces we touch, clean.
  • This means please do not cough or sneeze on your hands. Please use your inner elbow.
  • Bow rather than hug or shake hands... it's been an alternate sign of respect for centuries.
  • Reach out to loved ones and neighbors over the phone, and offer services.
  • Distance ourselves from the sick and from the vulnerable.
  • Keep a positive mindset and share the love 💗

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