Wednesday, March 18, 2020


About 2 weeks ago, I saw our family doctor about an issue with my belly button, and found out I had a small wound and weakened abdominal muscles, and that there was a minor infection (and some potential intestinal tissue exposed).

The doctor prescribed me a powder spray called Micatin, which is often used to treat "yeast" issues such as Athlete's Foot, but has also been good for improving my belly button:

Now I've done several "sprays" of Micatin into my belly button, and it's interesting.  It is shockingly cold and stings for a few seconds - the first time I thought I'd just applied liquid nitrogen!  Afterward, it sort of "hisses" and sizzles while it cleans, similar to hydrogen peroxide.

Aside from that, I'm happy to report that I'm no longer plagued by tender pain in the abdominal region, and when I look inside my belly button, it appears less swollen & pink.

I want to take a moment to remind you all to please be careful when cleaning your bellies of lint, as the tissue inside is very delicate and vulnerable to injury!  Thank you 😊

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