Monday, March 2, 2020

Getting Very Nervous

Right now, I'm feeling incredibly nervous.  I almost feel as though my treatment is tomorrow, and I haven't even had any kind of treatment set up yet!  😓

However, for the past nearly 2 weeks, I've been noticing some strange pain in my belly button.  I cleaned it thoroughly with cotton swabs and peroxide, and then thought nothing too much of it.  It appeared to just be a bit of lint and then a couple days later, it was still hurting.  So I continued to put peroxide on a cotton ball and use medical tape to hold it in.  Then I noticed a small amount of a thick, pinkish fluid - but now it's too clean to be infected.  So it occurred to me that my fibroids may be doing some damage behind my belly button, that's pushing it's way out of my body!?

I went so far as to do research on what this may mean, and I learned about something called a Sister Mary Joseph's Nodule.  Admittedly, this left me pretty shook!

Mine isn't as far advanced yet, but when I look into my belly button, I see a small red lump which could possibly be associated with my growing fibroids, so it's worth having it checked out.

The thing that really concerns me is that, whenever I move a certain way (bending or squatting, or turning in bed) I feel a tender pain right inside my belly button.  I've taken some photos; this is the clearest one, below:

Please excuse my bloating and "5 O'clock shadow".  The greyish/white tissue is pretty normal for me, since I'm pasty.  This photo was taken upside down from above, so the darker node in what would be the upper right side, isn't normal.  That's what hurts and that is why I'm going to call the doctor for an appointment as soon as possible.

Here's to hoping it's benign, even if it is just the fibroid on top of my uterus, trying to come out into the world... 

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