Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Strange Bleeding and Another Follow Up

Hello lovely ladies (and others here), 

It's now July 8 and I haven't been keeping up regularly with this blog as much as I'd like to.  It's been quite busy at work (customer service desk at a hardware store during the Summer).  Anyway, in late May I made a follow up post for you.

I had all-but bragged that my last period was relatively short and pain-free, but now I'm back to a point of on again/off again spotting, as well as near-constant lower abdominal cramps.  As noted, these tend to get worse when I'm under emotional stress, so I try to relax and take it easy as much as possible, and turn to journaling when I simply have waaaay too much on my mind! 


So now I'm having another issue... and I don't know what to make of it.  For the past about 5 days I've been spotting (which I've gotten used to), but now there appears to be a bit of blood that leaks out from my urethra.... it scares me to death to have to go to a doctor and have them examine me, since I don't want anything being put in there (the thin tube above the vaginal opening, where urine and female ejaculate come out of).  I imagine it would be quite painful and lead to a nasty infection... and I finally confessed - very embarrassed - last night to my husband about it, and he said we should see a doctor since I have today off work. 

However, my period this month was due in only 3 days, and seems to have gone ahead & started... so maybe this is a blessing in disguise? I can pray and hope that the urethral bleeding will clear up on it's own, or better yet - that I just imagined it or was mistaken.  

Either way, I know I will eventually need to go back to a doctor, now that the Covid-19 situation is lifting and hospitals and doctor's offices are letting in limited amounts of people with masks and appointments... 


In the meantime, I am looking forward to buying more maternity jeans like these ones here

**This blog is intended to share a personal journey with an intimate issue, and readers are strongly encouraged to open up and share personal issues too. This is intended to be a safe space for you. A place to relate and realize you're not alone.

Menopause and Irony

Prior to the diagnosis of having several fibroids, the symptoms I'd been experiencing made me believe I may be going through an early menopause.

I actually believed this to the point that I began researching the likelihood, and what the symptoms would be like - I'd been experiencing very irregular & heavier periods, as well as a lot of stress, abdominal pain, vaginal pain/discomfort with intimacy, troubled sleep, bloating, feverish hot flashes both in bed and at work, and mood swings.

Well, I'm 32 years old as I write this and will likely get a hysterectomy done prior to 40, and if they take my ovaries (won't know until the surgery) then I will be catapulted into an early menopause, which may include symptoms such as:

Limited libido/vaginal dryness, mood swings, hot flashes, brain fog, and the others I'd been experiencing, listed in the second paragraph above. 


The irony of this is that I thought, before my diagnosis, that I might've been in for an unnaturally early menopause - but the fibroids will likely require a hysterectomy which has the potential to put me into menopause anyway!
