Monday, October 28, 2019

Do You Have Kids?

This is a very straight-forward question, and is often met with an equally straight-forward yes or no.  It's one of the most common questions asked when meeting someone for the first time, such as a new co-worker.

And yet.... for someone who is physically unable to have kids, and they would love to (or worse, they've miscarried or delivered a stillbirth!), this can be awkward and painful.

I don't want to nag you, especially since literally all of us (myself included) have asked this at some point in life.  However, I do want to suggest that when you meet someone for the first time - or, first few times - that you keep this question for later, when you know them better.

Chances are, as you get to know them, they will voluntarily mention whether they have kids, how many, details about them ("Jeremy is 7 and loves to play soccer..." or "Jenny is in pre-school and she's so artistic!").

For now, please try to stick to more neutral topics, such as hobbies, where they grew up, favorite animals, type of music, pet peeves, favorite celebrities, shows, etc.  You get the drill.  Thank you.

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On a side note, though I cannot have children and on some levels that saddens me, I also don't mind sharing why I don't have kids, when people ask.  Not having kids can have a lot of perks, such as more freedom and saving money.  I understand this question is asked without ill intent. 

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