Monday, November 11, 2019

Mom Life

Hi everyone.

This is a follow-up post to the recent one titled, "Do You Have Kids?" in which I asked the public (well, readers here) to please reconsider the emotional impact of asking women (whom you don't yet know well) if they have children.

Well, there is another request I've got, and this one is for mothers specifically....

I am advocating not only from my own experience with this, but after joining some hysterectomy support groups and hearing other womens' stories, also for them:

Mothers... we all appreciate that you carried offspring in your body, experienced the agony of delivering them, nourished them and are raising them.... but this is not the sole experience of your entire identity, and a lot of women who cannot have their own children, would really appreciate if ALL your conversations didn't lead back to your children, or what you go through to raise them.

This is especially true for those of you who acknowledge your relatives or friends who do not have children (not by choice, but by medical reason), with nasty phrases such as these:

  • "Oh, you wouldn't know.... you don't have children!"
  • "It's just exhausting being a mother.... but you wouldn't understand what that's like!"
  • "(scoffs) it must be nice to have so much freedom... what do you even do with all that time?"

You get the drift.  If you've ever talked like this to a childless relative or friend in your life, you may very well be resentful of their freedom.  After all, raising children is expensive, it can be hurtful, and frustrating.... but it's not an excuse to devastate someone who would love to share in your experience.

 So please apologize to her, and make an effort to not mistreat someone for not having the ability to be a mother, like you.  Life is not a competition. 


 Coming soon to this blog, is an eBook for you to show your husband or common-law partner, or boyfriend (designed for males, specifically) so that if you're needing a hysterectomy, you can have him read this with you first, so he can be a much more supportive partner to you during this rough time!  You will heal, of course, but having an understanding partner makes it all the better!  So stay tuned. 

Remember that sharing is caring, so please send this blog along to friends who could benefit from it...

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