Thursday, November 21, 2019

Disclaimer About This Blog

First and foremost, I'd like to say I am not a doctor, and this blog is not intended to provide nor replace medical advice from your physician.  I'm not trying to dole out controversial or potentially harmful advice, and I implore you to see your doctor whenever you notice a suspicious symptom - especially if it includes bleeding problems.

You may feel put off by this blog's blatant content, and that is fine.  It's not for everyone.  This blog is written from a personal perspective, from my own experiences with fibroids and an impending hysterectomy... anyone can read it for educational purposes, including curious men, women, or teens - but I recommend that teen readers are at least of menstruating age and have parental permission, in case you see something that hasn't been discussed with you yet.

Please take a moment to read the section "About This Blog", along the right margin.  I'd really appreciate if you show support of this 'taboo' topic by sharing it, helping to ban period-shaming (and the awkwardness of discussing women's health issues so frankly).

It's also really appreciated - if you happen to donate to your local food bank - if you could occasionally include feminine hygiene products such as pads and tampons, in a variety of absorbency levels (light, regular, super, super-plus, overnight, etc.)  Like diapers and toilet paper, these items are needed and often go overlooked.

Also, please take a moment to briefly read the footnote (darker area) at the bottom of this blog - I'm not trying to nag, just trying to remind you that only your doctor can help when you have symptoms that could possibly be fibroids.  They will need to run some diagnostic tests, and then suggest treatments personalized to your own situation, preferences, needs, etc.

I'd like to thank you for taking this blog seriously and reading it respectfully.  It took a lot of courage on my part to be so frank about my personal experience(s), and I'm sharing this story [of having fibroids] so that it may be inspiring to others in a similar situation.  I believe we women, no matter our walks of life, have a sisterhood.
 *With that being said, if you don't like the content of this blog, please stop reading and move on. I'm reminding you now that any negative comments [including - but not limited to - body-shaming, trolling, spam, threats, misogynistic (sexist toward female) comments, and the like, will be removed and possibly reported, depending on the level of seriousness. This is not the place for that.

Thank you for being a supporter for this blog, and being with me on this journey 🥰

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