Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Bleeding from Fibroids

Hello there,

Today's post is sort of a PSA (public service announcement).  It's about the unfortunate effects that emotional stress has on your uterus when you have fibroids.

So for the past couple of years, I've been dealing with worsening anxiety symptoms... and it can get very bad, to the point where I'm having full meltdowns - crying, shaking, yelling, swearing - the works!  Well, when something from my life triggers this event, something else happens too...

I begin to bleed vaginally... like a period, but not.  It can happen just a few days after the end of the most previous period, and often only lasts 1-3 days, depending on how stressful the trigger is.  I've learned to do things like cut back on caffeine (sorry, coffee), try deep breathing techniques and of course, journalling to help me put the stress into healthy perspective.  Then the bleeding lets up.

This "stress bleed" is caused by a spike in blood pressure, which bursts the randomly-developed ones that feed the fibroids - which is where the PSA part comes in...

Ladies - if you've been dealing with fibroids - or any condition that leads to abnormal uterine bleeding - then it's imperative that you keep your blood pressure at a reasonable level.  This is something to discuss with your doctor, and many adults do see their physician about stress - so you have nothing to be ashamed of, and you will likely come away with lots of great techniques!

Here are some of my personal favorite de-stressing techniques:

  •  Throw on a good tune like "The Cha Cha Slide" by DJ Casper, or any music that feels very happy to you 😃
  • Do some light housework - it's good exercise, and you accomplish something clean. Win-win.
  • Go for a walk on your block, or stand outside on your step or balcony - the fresh air is great, even on a crisp winter day. 
  • Cut back on caffeine... try decaf coffee for your "fix", or a hot chocolate, peppermint tea or any relaxing beverage.
  • Also drink more water - hydration feels great!  Your skin will look great, too. 
  • Do some light yoga... maybe to relaxing music...
  • Practice some deep-breathing and mindfulness exercises...
  • Write out your stressors in a journal/diary - rant about them!  Then, go back and look at them from a problem-solving perspective.  When you do this, your problems shrink.
  • Lock yourself in the bathroom for a bubble bath & spa facial.
  • Hang out with a really good friend, and laugh together.
  • Watch a classic comedy show or movie with positive (non-political) vibes.
  • Go to a pet store or shelter and interact with cute animals - if you can, adopt one so you can spend time with them often.

Techniques that are not a good idea:

  • Having sex or masturbating, since these will only increase your bleeding in that region. 
  • Drinking alcohol or indulging in junk food to soothe your woes - that won't end well. 
  • Giving in to anger and intentionally raging - this only increases your stress hormones and your blood pressure... you want calm, not rage.
  • Ranting on facebook - this will only put people off, and you'll probably lose friends, as well as respect.  Do you really want to be known for being angry?

Anyway, hope the above tips help you if you've ever experienced sudden vaginal bleeding during a time of stress.  Remember to always check with your doctor if this is the first time this has happened, or if it happens to you often.  Your health is very important! 

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