Friday, November 15, 2019

Preparation for Post-Op Recovery

Recovering from a hysterectomy is serious business!

A woman will likely experience everything from depression, to weeks of pain; spotting/light bleeding, to nausea/appetite disturbances; tiredness to digestive and bladder issues.  It's a journey for sure!

Surely there's a way to be prepared for these weeks (or, up to 3 months)... good news - there is!

Make sure to shop ahead of time and pick up:


-Hydrating food such as soup, real-fruit popsicles, Vitamin Water, etc.
-Probiotic food such as yogurt or kefir
-Cranberry juice to help prevent UTIs
-Easy-to-make meals, such as [healthy] microwavable TV dinners
-Protein shakes, such as "Boost" or "Ensure" for much-needed nutrients
-Herbal tea for symptoms such as nausea (ginger), gas pains (peppermint), or calmness (chamomile)

Bowels & Bladder Care:

-Stool softeners!
-Gas-X, since it can help relieve the sharp pains
-Some kind of foot stool can help for using the toilet...
-Possibly adult diapers, just in case you have bladder spasms
-Soft and gentle toilet paper (remember to blot away urine, rather than wiping it; and when wiping your behind, it may be easier to stay seated and take as much time as you need)

Pain and Nausea Management:

-Gravol or something natural for nausea (Preggy-Pops may work well)
-Tylenol or other pain & fever reducers
-Cuddly pillow or plush toy to hold on your belly
-Seatbelt pillow to protect your vulnerable belly while being driven
-Ice packs or something with cooling gel for pain (heat is not advisable because it can increase post-surgical bleeding)
-A pregnancy pillow may help you sleep easier...


-One more round of menstrual pads for post-op bleeding (no tampons)
-A couple of good novels, and/or crosswords or other puzzle books
-Folding side table for next to the bed (unless you're okay clearing off your end-table items) 
-[if you don't already have one] Subscription to Netflix, for easy movies while you're resting
-Adult coloring book and some gel pens (so you're not sharpening pencil crayons)
-Dry shampoo (trust me on this) and facial cleansing wipes
-Natural sleep aide or lavender-scented aromatherapy - essential oils work great
-A journal for keeping track of your symptoms & overall feelings - you can bring this with you to follow-up appointments
-A belly binder to re-train your guts and help prevent some "swelly belly"
-Some lubricant (unscented/uncolored/unflavored) for when you're ready to have sex again...

-SOMETHING TO STORE ALL THESE ITEMS IN, SUCH AS A SUITCASE!  Do this well before the surgery date, and have the suitcase elevated (on a table or chair) for easy access 👍

The above 'shopping list' doesn't have to be bought all in the same day.  It might be more convenient to begin by picking up the 'dry' items (medication, entertainment, pads, toilet paper, etc.) in the weeks leading up to the surgery, and then store them in a specific container (luggage works well for this). 

Then for the food items, they can be bought and refrigerated the day before your surgery, so they are nice & fresh for you when you're home from hospital and will be consuming them.  

*Plus, it doesn't have to be expensive - you can use coupons & savings apps, shop on specific sales days, get some of your items at a dollar store, or use things you already have laying around 😊


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