Monday, August 10, 2020

Saying goodbye to my "normal" pants

Okay so, this might be kind of a strange video. As I may have already shared, I recently bought myself 3 new pairs of maternity pants (in addition to the one I already have) - giving me 4. Yay! 

This is a sort of sad "goodbye" video for my former pants and leggings, as I acknowledge that I'm no longer able to wear any of them due to painful bloating (and increased risk of heavy bleeding from pressure on the fibroids, from pants). 

At some point, I'd like to take photos of myself in all the new maternity pants and show you how super cute and cozy they are. Now I could not imagine wearing pants that don't hug my "swelly belly" LOL.

In the meantime, here is a personal photo, where I staged stuff I actually use. Of course, that's my only non-blue denim maternity pants there, along with the Super-Overnight pads I need to use, since anything lighter tends to fail. And one of the Super-absorbency tampons of course, along with my Aleve - the only thing that (safely) works for my worst cramps! And last but not least, the iron supplements I take during my period to help lessen my anemia. 

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