Friday, August 14, 2020

Fibroids and Sugar

 Recently, I found out something kind of scary about fibroids... they crave sugar.  More accurately, that explains why I always crave sugar.  This morning, I had a Nutella waffle for breakfast... and then 2 hours later, I made another one 😭  

Admittedly, I don't usually indulge to this degree, but I will admit that over the past 4-5 years, my cravings for sweet have increased to the point where I feel almost desperate for my next "fix".  I've racked up quite the debt on my card, which I tap to the vending machine every other day at work, for an Oh Henry! bar (my favorite). 

Kicking the sugar habit cold turkey is near impossible. My brain & tongue are too trained... but the good news is, I can start making healthy choices - and if sugar cravings get you too, then read on:

  • Strong soothing flavors - such as peppermint, ginger & cinnamon - can be great alternatives and all have health benefits. They can be found (or put) in green tea. 
  • Choose water over pop, and put fruit or fruit juice into the water for a boost of flavor.
  • Use honey instead of refined sugar, on things like cereal or toast.
  • Opt for smoothies over milkshakes, and yogurt over ice cream - when possible.
  • It's okay to indulge in actual sugar sometimes - just not all the time!
  • Choose chocolate covered nuts or granola bar over typical candy snacks.
  • Dark chocolate = less sugar and healthy antioxidants. Yay!
  • Limit it to no more than 1 treat per day. More than once a day is a problem...

Cutting back sugar won't single-handedly get rid of fibroids, but it can sure help slow their growth and make things like cramps less intense over time... Plus, you'll feel better overall!

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