Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Hysterectomy Support Groups

 It can be a frightening time in any woman's life... being told you need to have a hysterectomy.

Whether the reason is cancer, endometriosis, fibroids or something else, the anxiety about such a surgery, is very real.  And unless you have a mother, grandmother, sister, aunt, or friend who can relate and share her experience with you, it's hard to know where to turn with that anxiety about it.

Any surgery can be scary, but this is one that eliminates the ability to have children and for many of us, that is a lot to deal with....

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When I was diagnosed with fibroids last year, I was told the best course of action would be to have a hysterectomy.  I asked about shrinking them with birth control, but was told changing my hormone levels would actually grow them.  Then I suggested the artery embolization, but the risk of fatal blood clots is fairly high. I was told that just removing the fibroids themselves is an option if I want to preserve my fertility, but fibroids almost always come back, and sometimes worse!

So, knowing that I will eventually be having a hysterectomy, I went to facebook and searched support groups.  Other women in the same boat, can be such an amazing resource - a real sisterhood 💕

Here are some good hysterectomy support groups to join on facebook:

In addition to the online ones, you can also reach out to your local Primary Care Network or Community Health Centre, to inquire about any in-person support groups they may offer in your area.  

It can be of great help for what to expect during prep and the days leading up, and what to expect during healing.  The experienced ladies can help you make an effective post-op recovery plan that you can get your whole family in on. 

Remember, no matter what happens, you've got this. You're strong and you needed that surgery because what was hindering you, was significantly worse than the outcome.  

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