Tuesday, September 29, 2020

1-year Anniversary

 Hi everyone!  👋

So, I wouldn't really call this a "celebration", exactly... just can't believe that it's already been a year + 1 day since this blog was started!

In early September last year, I got diagnosed with fibroids after having seriously heavy bleeding, prolonged periods, and excruciatingly painful cramps.... it was a surreal diagnosis, especially when the doctor told me to get a hysterectomy to ease the symptoms and reduce the risk of fatal bleeding...

Admittedly, I was tempted to get that surgery right away, but I was also in the middle of a major life change, with leaving one long-time job and starting a new one... so that time period didn't work.  Then we had a family trip shortly after that, so eventually - against my better judgement - I put this much-needed hysterectomy on a back burner....

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It's currently September 29, 2020, and there is no doubt that my fibroids are causing me more grief... 

  • I constantly have a "swelly belly" that feels heavy and painful. It makes me look 2-3 months pregnant, and causes low-grade aches 24/7.  The maternity pants are actually feeling tight now.
  • There is spotting that is hard to monitor... it's random enough now that I basically wear light pads 24/7 now, and sometimes use a tampon before enjoying a bath at any time of the month....
  • This spotting has thrown a wrench into mine & Rob's intimacy... it's scary not knowing if I'll "break the damn" and bleed all over him and the bed 😨
  • It's becoming the norm to get up in the middle of the night and pee a river... even when I don't drink a lot of water before bed, the growing fibroids' weight rests on top of my bladder while lying down. It's been waking me up almost constantly!
  • Quite frankly, my fibroid symptoms are at a point where I kind of feel like I'm already recovering from a hysterectomy, since some of the symptoms can be similar.

So, after my hubby's upcoming birthday in early October, I'm going to pull up my belt, sniff with pride, and call my family doctor for a year follow up, leading to surgery.... It feels like it's time...

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Before I go today, I'd like to mention that, as a surgery looms in the future, the heaviness of financial uncertainty weighs on both mine & Rob's minds.  Yes I do have savings put aside for that time period... it's just that I don't yet know how many weeks I'll be recovering, and how much work I'll be missing.  My position at work doesn't really offer much in the way of sick leave or medical benefits, which is why I've been working on building up savings... 
Anyway, as you know, I'm a cartoonist by trade and have a Patreon page about it. I'd really appreciate if you could consider making small monthly pledges, and in exchange, you'll get rewards such as coloring pages, stickers, and more. 

Thank you for being with me along the last year of this journey!

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