Tuesday, September 15, 2020

What Women Want Men to Know About Periods

First of all, we want you to know what, specifically, a period actually is: Menstruation comes from the uterus, not the bladder (Yes there are some younger males who have thought this). 

  •  It's not something we can consciously control, like peeing. It trickles out whether we want it to or not, and we're sorry (not sorry) if our needing to hit the washroom more often because of it, annoys you. 

  •  It's caused by varying levels of hormones, which are responsible for creating a lining in our uterus in case you get us pregnant.  That lining lasts for several days, and then sort of "spoils" and begins to shed, so a fresh, new lining can grow in it's place.  It's this lining that comes out of us... and it's a mix of blood and other soft tissue and fluid.  BTW, it's harmless to you if you ever touch it. 

  • They're not always painful, but when they are, the pain is real and we're not exaggerating!  The closest way to describe it is how you feel after getting a hit to the testicles, and this pain can cause fever and even vomiting sometimes...the pain is real!

  • We can be more in the mood for sex during this time, due to hormone fluctuations...and honestly wish you wouldn't be so grossed out by our menstrual fluid. It won't hurt you, and if you're worried about something like AIDS, you can use a condom for peace of mind.  **Bonus: Having an orgasm can help relieve our cramps!

  • We wish you'd ask us more questions about it, so we can bond on a deeper level (especially for long-time spouses). Most of us are fairly comfortable discussing our periods.

  • If we're cranky around you during this time, it's partly hormones, but also a reaction to being in strong pain.  It's normal to be snappy when in pain and you would be the same way.

  • Sometimes we're low energy or "slow" to get something. Please give us a break - our brains & bodies are losing vital nutrients from blood loss. For this reason, food cravings are real, too (sweets for upping low blood sugar).

  • Please don't mock us for menstruating, like joking to your buddies that "she's on the rag again!"  That's period-shaming, and it's derogatory.  We're whole human entities and having the ability to menstruate is just one of many aspects of that... it doesn't define us. 

  • Also, please don't get scared and try to avoid us during that week... Yes we can be a tad moody, but that can be resolved with a loving cuddle and a small surprise gift ("no honey, I'll do the laundry tonight").

  • No two periods are exactly alike, regardless of what media often implies. Your lady night have hers every few months, twice a month, or for weeks at a time.  Being on birth control, or having health problems, can cause irregular periods. Please don't compare hers to that of a relative or former girlfriend... we're all unique beings :)

If you're married or in a long-term partnership with us, try to learn specific details about our periods, such as: 
  • When to expect it 
  • How long it typically lasts 
  • What we prefer for pads/tampons/cups
  • Specific food we crave
  • What pain relief we tend to use
This can make the bond between us stronger... and help you appreciate all aspects of us. 

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Ladies, I am always happy to "take requests" and update this article with anything that you'd like to add to the list, so your man can have a deeper appreciation for what you go through each month, or every few months, or twice a month, or however your period is for you.   

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