Thursday, October 29, 2020

Exercising with Uterine Fibroids

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It's easy to want to put off exercising when you have fibroids.... I know this first hand.  There is always (yes, always) low-grade cramping pain, bloating, and a feeling of lethargy from previous heavy blood loss/low iron. 

In addition to that, there is always the fear that a fibroid (or several of them) will become over-stimulated from higher pulse coming through them during activity, which can lead to a spontaneous bleed!! 

I've had spontaneous bleeding occur when it wasn't my technical period, and more than once it was caused by high levels of stress (I've since cut those stressors - a poor family relationship and horrible job - out of my life).  

I've also had it occur due to tight pants (yes, pressure on the fibroids can "squeeze them like ketchup packets") and a couple of times due to too much caffeine consumption.   Admittedly, it's always frightening to just start gushing blood from my genitals, even when I know what's caused it.  And so, this has led to me putting off heavy exercise just out of fear of it happening again....

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However, exercise is a fundamental part of human life, for our overall health.  It helps with our circulation/cardio health, breathing, mental well-being, muscle health, strength/endurance, digestion, immunity, organ function and even sexual health!  And it doesn't hurt to look trim & toned.  It's not something that should be put off, even when there are some risks associated with it...

Truthfully, the issue most of us have with motivation to exercise, is that we sometimes see it as a big, scary, time-consuming or exhausting activity, which will leave us sore & tired.  We over-estimate what it entails and overwhelm ourselves before even starting.

Now, it is true that women with bleeding fibroids should not be over-exerted. Thankfully, there are lots of safe & gentle exercises that can help with the bloating and energy levels:

  • Yoga - primarily the kind that gently makes us gain core strength in the abs.
  • Squats and Pilates - though stay away from aerobics since they can cause a bleed.
  • Dancing - my personal favorite!  Belly Dancing is even better due to the movement.
  • Doing housework - think of it as an activity and do it to music, rather than think of it as tedious chores. Set a timer and move swiftly to try & "beat the clock" :)
  • Go for a walk - this is especially nice during the autumn, where you can enjoy the crunch of the leaves, colors of the trees and the crisp air. 
  • If you have an exercise bike, it's recommended that you use it gently and for shorter periods of time, more often. Instead of 45 minutes on it, do two 15-20 minutes at a time, maybe in the morning and evening, or whatever you choose.
  • Make time to play outside with loved ones, whether that's your spouse, kid(s) or dog. 
  • Water Aerobics - if you like the moves of aerobic exercise, try a class where you get to do it in a refreshing swimming pool.

Two more sites for ideas for "fibroid exercises":

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