Saturday, October 17, 2020

Fibroids and Bowel Movements


This is a topic not everyone wants to discuss, but when it comes to health, it's often necessary - pooping. 

Well, no matter what title you've assigned to doing it, there is one thing that can really impede the ability to be regular: 


I used to think it was just me, and assumed I naturally inherited my mother's IBS (irritable bowel syndrome, which I was initially diagnosed with a couple years ago before the fibroids diagnosis).  I am also bad for eating too many sweets/carbs, and not enough veggies... so admittedly some of my constipational issues are just a consequence.... 

However, I've learned from hundreds of other women on facebook support groups that it's common to experience moderate trouble being regular, mainly due to the growth of the fibroids against the bowel.  It can even become very painful if a pedunculated one(s) end up wrapping around some part of the bowel, which could lead to an ER trip and emergency surgery, not to mention extreme pain!  This is part of why it's so important to get your fibroids (or endometriosis, etc.) treated as soon as you can!  

The best treatment of course, is to stay hydrated.  Get your water, your electrolytes... and try to avoid alcohol as a regular beverage.   Of course, the other best treatment is to try to avoid empty carbs and get some more fibre in your diet.  This can be from whole grain bread and pasta, and eating nuts & seeds.  I find one of the best "treats" to keep regular, is dark chocolate almonds, because they give some real ruffage.  It's also a good idea if you can eat it without gagging, to get probiotics from yogurt.  You can also take probiotic supplements if you like. It all helps.

When you really need an emergency 💩 due to pain & bloating, then opt for a fast-acting stool softener. Just be sure to set aside time for privacy in the bathroom ;) 

Anyway girl, make sure to get your uterine health checked out.  You shouldn't suffer in silence when it can be fixed for you.  

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