Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Fibroids and Frequent Urination

 If you've ever been pregnant, then you know the awful feeling of "WTF!? I just emptied my bladder 20 minutes ago!"  Of course, this can also be a symptom of diabetes, due to overactive kidneys trying to filter.... but there is something specific about this when you fibroids - like a growing baby, these tumors 'rest' against the bladder, making it near impossible to hold our urine for long periods of time 😠

Unfortunately, short of stopping drinking water, the only real way to treat this is to get rid of your fibroids, either by a myectomy or hysterectomy.  After 6-8 weeks of recovery, you should be starting to feel better. 

On a personal note, and this is very likely relatable among all the women with fibroids, for the past few weeks, I've been getting up in the middle of the night to pee a river, which is very disruptive to sleep.  It's not too terrible if I can sleep in, but the days I need to get up at 6am for work, it's unacceptable.  And it makes me feel kind of helpless, since I cannot just decide not to stay hydrated - I still need to drink water, and do at bed time because our room is dry enough to cause morning nose bleeds.  I'm not looking forward to the whole concept of having a hysterectomy, but boy am I looking forward to not having to deal with urinary urgency anymore... I'm only 32 years old, LOL. 

If you are experiencing any symptoms which could be caused by fibroids, please make an appointment with your gynecologist! 

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