Sunday, October 18, 2020

I'm in an At-Risk Group


This is me today, wearing a mask to go out and do stuff with my hubby.  The main health risk associated with COVID19 is oxygen going down and organs failing because of that. This can occur as a result of pneumonia and requires a respirator in extreme cases. 

As we all know by now, those with weakened immune systems and/or pre-existing conditions like cancer or diabetes are at higher risk.  I'm in the higher-risk group because of anemia, which already keeps my oxygen levels significantly low.  

If this COVID19 bug gets me, it has potential to put me in the ICU with a need for emergency oxygen!  😬

I'd like to do a little PSA now for women who have similar "female issues" which weaken our immune systems. It's not always pleasant to wear a mask, nor is it fun to follow orders like standing in social-distance lineups.  Our skin is getting dry from all the sanitizer and we miss traveling...  But the longer we get carried away by our petty frustrations about it (and refuse to keep taking precautions), the longer it will take to eradicate this bug, and it increases your odds of getting seriously ill 🤒 

I wear my mask proudly, because it can help protect me (otherwise I'm as good as gone) AND I feel good knowing that I'm helping to protect others, especially those who are immuno-compromised

So please, don't refuse to be part of the protection, and please don't be putting your "I don't wanna" before the health & safety of others 🙏 

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