Thursday, October 8, 2020

Follow Up

 Hi everyone!  

So as you know, yesterday I went to see my primary care physician regarding the fibroids and suggestion of a hysterectomy.

I showed him my bloated belly and complained that my fibroids were getting too big... his medical assistant weighed me in, and I've put on 8 pounds since the last time I visited late last year... which is actually a big deal for my otherwise tiny frame.  As it turns out, it's not entirely from growing fibroids...

He had me lay down and pressed around my belly... and it turns out, I've been comfort-eating to make up for lost iron (my desperate attempt at replacing lost energy through consuming lots of sugar).  I will admit that was an embarrassing moment, LOL!

We discussed my blood loss and symptoms of anemia, and after commenting that I look pale (even for me, which is not good since I'm part Irish, Scottish and British), he gave a requisition form to get my hemoglobins checked with a blood test.  The earliest I can get in at the lab right now (with all the Covid stuff going on) is October 26.  That's just as well, since I don't want to get blood drawn while menstruating heavily, since I need as much blood as I can keep right now...

Take a look at these comparison pictures

Me in 2011 on wedding day with Rob, and me today (October 8, 2020):

Over the past 9 years, gradually-increased blood loss has led to anemia, which has led to a dangerously low level of iron in my body.  I often get comments on how pale I look these days, and back when I was still in touch with my (narcissist) mother, she sometimes said I looked almost like a zombie with "gaunt cheeks". Though it might've been partially insult, she wasn't wrong... my health is visibly deteriorating... 

Anyway, one time during a recent period, I went to pee and was bleeding like a pig with it's throat cut!  It was awful how much was coming out and how quickly... I don't normally do this since it's vulgar and indecent, but for medical reasons I came back with my phone (after washing hands) and took a reference photo to show him.  He had a very appropriate response, which was horror, and then he wrote another prescription for Cyklokapron, which helps blood form clots and stop flowing so freely out of the body. The picture is below...



The above is just from wiping after peeing, and not sure how that much blood needed to come out at once, but it was very heavy, watery and bright red!  This is exactly the reason that women with heavy menstrual bleeding caused by underlying health conditions, need to see your doctor right away to get it taken care of.  It can become life-threatening!

On a side note, I took a couple of Cyklokapron pills this morning. Frankly the only way I'm even able to, is by taking 2 chewable Gravol gingers with them, to ward off the nausea that comes with them.  It is a minor side effect but worth it to be safe 👍

Thank you for sitting through my gross posts, I appreciate you being along on this journey with me!

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